The Abbottabad Club





Membership: Abbottabad Club will consist of the members as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time. Membership will be offered only to the following:-

  1. A person who holds Commission in the Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force or who is member of any Central or Provincial services as gazetted officers or Government / Semi Government Organization.


  1. A person who is otherwise suitable and of a comparable social status.

Eligibility & Types.

  1. Regular / Permanent membership.  Regular / Permanent membership is granted on open public offer permitting them to use and enjoy all facilities of Abbottabad Club subject to payment of membership fee and abidance of Byelaws.
  2. Family of Shuhadas. Shuhadas Families of Armed Forces Officers are granted permanent membership to use and enjoy all the facilities of Abbottabad Club subject to payment of membership fee and abidance of Byelaws.
  3. Honorary Member. Any person may become an Honorary Member of the Club in recognition of distinguished services to the Nation/ Club on the recommendation of the Management Committee and approval of the President.

Affiliated Club Members.

    Members of affiliated Clubs may use Club facilities for a maximum of 10 days in a month or maximum of 90 days in a calendar year on production of Membership card / Introductory letter from the parent club.

  1. Visiting Members.     Members of affiliated Cubs will be allowed to use the club for a maximum period of 30 days in a calendar year on production of Membership / Introductory letter from parent Club. This period may be extended at the discretion of the Club management up to a maximum of 90 days.
  2. Member’s Family.     Spouse of the member and unmarried children upto 28 years shall be permitted to use the Club facilities. Unmarried / dependent daughters above the age of 28 years can retain their family membership cards, however their membership cards be renewed annually. The obligation of dress, decorum, discipline and general conduct of the family members will be the personal responsibility of members. 28 years and above member’s children residing with parents are eligible for the grant of ‘household membership’ subject to the payment of membership fee and fulfilling the criteria as laid down by the Management Committee.


    Following persons are ineligible for membership of the Club:-

  1. Declared bankrupt or insolvent.
  2. Convicted of any offence, by a court of law.
  3. Involved in an act of moral turpitude, unethical behavior or anti-state activities.
  4. Posted as defaulter/ undesirable by the Club or any affiliated club, and the order of posting has not been withdrawn or revoked.
  5. Security wise not cleared.
  6. Rejected twice by the Club Administration for any reason.
  7. Failed to get support of two regular members, as proposer and seconder.
  8. In the opinion of Managing Committee, not fit for the membership.

Procedure for Membership.

A candidate applying for membership shall be proposed by one Regular Member and seconded by another Regular Member on the prescribed application form; which shall be submitted to the Secretary. The process shall be completed as soon as possible; but not more than three months from the date of receipt of application. However, if credentials of a candidate require more investigation, the Managing Committee may withhold its decision for further three more months.

Transfer of Membership.

Membership of a regular member shall be transferable to the spouse in case of his/ her death. It shall be subjected to written application by the spouse and approval given by Managing Committee. Monthly subscription will remain as per current rate besides other expenses.


 A member shall be liable for termination from the membership who:-

  1. Resigns from membership at his own request through a notice/ information.
  2. Fails to pay club dues for consecutive six months.
  3. Remains absent from the Club without intimation for one years at a stretch.
  4. Anytime, falls in any of the ineligibility conditions specified in Rule.
  5. Dies and information to this effect is available with the Club and the spouse does not apply for transfer of membership till two years after the death of the member.


A member shall be liable to suspension of membership who: –

  1. Displays an inappropriate behavior with club Staff.
  2. Fails to pay Club subscription for consecutive three months.
  3. Invites inappropriate guest to the Club.


which includes following: –

  1. Repeated violation of dress code laid by the Club and disregard to Club Rules  & Byelaws.
  2.  Violent and rude behavior.
  3.  Defaulter of Club bills.

RULE – 5


Registration and Membership Fee is non-refundable for various categories of members and shall be as prescribed by the Management Committee from time to time. The fee payable shall be as applicable on the date of membership.

RULE – 6


Rates. Rates of annually subscription, sports subscription and other dues will be fixed by the Management Committee from time to time and intimated to members.

  1. Active Members. All active members of the Club will be furnished with the bill for the containing annually Club subscription, dues and other expenses incurred by the members and family. The bill must be paid by 25th of each month, failing which, late fee at the rate of 2.5 % per month will be charged. In case the bill is not received by any member by 15th day of the month, then the member must inform the Club and obtain a duplicate copy of the bill.
  2. Absent Members. Any member moving out of Abbottabad area for a period of three months or more will become an absent member and will pay absentee fee as prescribed from time to time. This fee is to be paid in advance for the total period of absence desired. On return to Abbottabad, the member shall inform the Club in writing about cancellation of his absence membership and resume active membership on payment of the applicable dues. A new member is eligible for absent membership status when he / she should have completed at least one year as active member and there should be no dues outstanding against his/her name.
  3. NonpaymentDefaulters. In case of non-payment of bill within the specified period, the members with outstanding dues will be reminded for clearance, failing which, the member will be deprived of the privileges of the Club until the dues are paid. In the event of failing to pay within one additional month, his/her name will be struck from the list of members. The Club shall reserve the right to recover the outstanding dues from the members using legal means.

RULE – 7


A member may introduce up to 10 guests in a month, Guests must be accompanied by their host member and registered in the Guest Register without fail. Infringement of this rule may lead to termination of membership. Guests are not allowed to sign credit slips etc, on behalf of the host member. Children of a member are not allowed to introduce guests. Members introducing guests will be charged with guests fee as prescribed from time to time.



  1. On receipt of any compliant against a member, or his/her family member or guest, of willful or gross violation or breach or infringement of any Club Rule, Office Order, Byelaw or Notice, or causing annoyance to any other member or indulging in any of the act which may have caused or may cause disrepute to the Club, or the conduct of any member is otherwise detrimental to the repute of the Club, or is unbecoming of a gentleman, the Club Management shall take immediate notice and considering nature of the compliant and its gravity shall bring matter to the notice of Disciplinary Committee. The Club Management Committee shall have the power as per Rule-2 to form a Disciplinary Committee from time to time for fair proceedings of the case.
  2. The Club Management will also apprise the Member about the compliant and inform that compliant has been forwarded to the Disciplinary Committee for necessary action.
  3. The Disciplinary Committee shall call upon the member to explain his position in writing within a period of 7 days, and may, in its discretion, considering gravity of the compliant, suspend his/her membership forthwith for upto 15 days, if no explanation is given or explanation is unsatisfactory, the Disciplinary Committee shall hold inquiry into the compliant in which the compliant and/or witnesses shall be asked to appear on the date of which the complainant shall also be given to the member.
  4. If upon holding of inquiry, the Disciplinary Committee finds the member guilty of the charge, it shall;
  5. Suspended membership for a period of three months, if the violation is considered  minor.
  6. Submit its findings alongwith recommendations for taking any of the following actions;-

(1).       Calling upon the member to resign.

(2).       Termination of membership.

  1. On receipt of findings of the Disciplinary Committee, the Club Management shall forward a copy to the member with opportunity to show cause why the proposed action be not taken, and he / she so desires, to appear in person before the President of the Club. On receipt of the reply, if any, the entire matter shall be put up before the President for taking final action. The member, whose membership is terminated, may approach the President for revisiting the action. The President may reject or accept the request for revisiting. In both the cases decision of the President shall be taken as a binding and final, which shall not be challenged in any Court of Law.
  2. Whenever an incident takes place where the child of a member’s family card holder, has behaved in a manner where it is felt that he/she should not be allowed to use the Club, the Club Management Committee may impose a restriction on such family card holders, barring them from using the Club facilities unless they are accompanied by the basic card holder/parents and its decision should be displayed on the Club notice board. Restriction may be lifted provided the parents assure good conduct in future.

RULE – 9


  1. Damage to Club Property. All kind of breakage or damage to any of the Club property by the member will be charged.
  2. Willful Damage. Club Management Committee shall impose fine to the maximum of five time the price over and above the cost of property on ascertaining willful breakage or damage by the member.
  3. Entertainment. The Club Management Committee may at its discretion arrange special evenings. Get together for members and their guests may be arranged.
  4. Cards. Game of cards shall not be allowed in the Club except for the Card Room.
  5. Speeches and Songs. Speeches or songs by members shall not be allowed in any part of the Club.
  6. Club not be Given as Address. Members are not allowed to give the Club as their address in any advertisement in the public, press and neither shall give the address of the Club for any business or commercial purpose.
  7. Playing of Music Instruments. Music, whistling and other un-seemly noises by members / guests are prohibited in all areas of Club.   
  8. Complaints Against Club. Any member having cause of complaints against Club arrangements or against any employee of the Club shall enter the same in the Complaint Book kept for the purposes.
  9. Pets. Pets are not allowed inside the Club premise.
  10. Private Servants / Chauffeurs. Private servants are not allowed in any part of the Club. The drivers, body guards/escorts and maid servants are not allowed beyond the car park.
  11. Photography. Photography is not allowed in any part of the Club except in private functions booked by members.
  12. Cellular Phones. Talking on Cellular Phones is stickily prohibited in library and restaurants.
  13. Fireworks. Firework is strictly prohibited in Club premises.
  14. Resignation. Any member resigning from the Club premises shall be required to return his / her own, family membership card (s) and also clear his/her outstanding dues.
  15. Staff Tipping. Members are not to tip any staff member or employee of the Club.
  16. Smoking. Smoking is not permitted in Club lobby, Banquet Halls, Restaurant, Library, Health and Fitness Club and indoor Arena.
  17. Use of Club Membership Card Number. Members are required to write their membership numbers on correspondence, cheque, bank draft sent to the Club to facilitate accounting.
  18. Open Discussions. Members shall avoid open discussion on controversial matters, political issues and religious matters that may hurt feeling of other members.
  19. Drugs and Intoxicants. Liqour or other intoxicants are not allowed in the Club premises.
  20. Meetings. Management Committee shall hold monthly meetings which shall be chaired by the President / Secretary.
  21. Quorum. Minimum six members including at least two members each from Army & Civilians shall form a quorum at all meetings of the Management Committee. Except as otherwise directed in these Rules, questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present. In case of equal votes, the President shall have a second or casting vote.



The registration and membership fee paid by the members at the time of grant of Club membership is non-refundable.



The members are expected to display a good standard of dress / conduct at the following places:

Club Lounge

  1. Lounge Suite/ Combination.
  2. Safari Suit (Full/half sleeves).
  3. Shalwar Kameez with waist coat.
  4. Shorts, sport lit, joggers and chappals are not allowed.

Lobby & Coffee Shop

  1. Smart Casual.
  2. Shalwar Kameez with waist coat.
  3. Shorts, sports kit, joggers and chappals are not allowed.


  1. Lounge Suit / Combination.
  2. Safari Suit (full/half sleeves).
  3. Shalwar Kameez with waist coat.
  4. Shorts, sports kit, joggers and chappals are not allowed.

Health & Fitness Centre

  1. Lobby.            Smart Casual, Shalwar Kameez with waist coat. Sports kit, shorts with joggers, moccasin shoes, however, sandals & chappals are not          allowed.
  2. Swimming.     Proper swimming trunks shall be worn. Neither wearing of   cutout jeans / shorts, nor any T-shirt or vest, are permitted.
  3. Gymnasium.  T-shirts, shorts or track suit lower, proper footwear   (joggers). Members are not allowed to wear open sandals or walk barefooted.
  4. Squash.           Sports kit i.e. shorts, T-shirts and proper crepe or rubber sole shoes which do not leave marks on the floor.



The family of a member includes, spouse, sons under the age of 28 years, dependent daughters / special children. Children over 28 years of age and living with the parents shall be allowed to become members in their own name subject to the payment of membership fee and abidance of Rules & Bye-Laws.

  1. The family of a member shall comprise:
  2. Spouse.
  3. Unmarried sons up to the age of 28 years.
  4. Unmarried / dependent daughters up to and above the age of 28 years can retain their family membership cards, however membership cards of unmarried /          dependent daughters above the age of 28 years will be renewed annually after     obtaining undertaking from the basic member (parent) that his/her daughter still    unmarried/dependent on a member.
  5. Membership can be transferred in the name of spouse only on the death of a member. If the spouse is not interested it shall stand cancelled.



  1. Membership Cards will be issued to the children, which shall be brought by them every time they visit the Club. Children under 12 years of age are not allowed in the Club lobby and lounge unless accompanied by the parents. Children over 16 years of age are allowed provided they are properly dressed.
  2. Children under 12 years are not allowed in Gymnasium. Children between 12 to 16 years of age shall be accompanied by the parents. Infants (below 2 years) are not allowed in the Health and Fitness Centre. Use of electronic gadgets by children in the Health and Fitness Centre, is prohibited.
  3. Children irrespective of their age are not allowed in the Card Room.




  1. Following are authorized to use the Guest Rooms: –
  2. Regular Members.
  3. Military Officers sponsored by formations/ units.
  4. Guests of Members.
  5. Members of Affiliated Clubs.
  6. Not more than two Guest Rooms may be booked at a time for a period not extending beyond five days. Moreover, Abbottabad being a tourist destination, advance payment of guestrooms charges for confirmation of booking will be ensured. Dedicated account number will be shared at the time of booking.
  7. Guest Rooms will be charged at the rates fixed by the Management Committee, from time to time.
  8. Concessional charges for guest rooms are for members, personal occupation by Military Officers and their families (that includes wife and children) only, while relatives/ friends are not included. For civilian guest(s) normal room rent will be charged.
  9. Guests of member shall not be allotted accommodation except on prior reservation by Member, who shall be responsible for the payment of the bills and the demeanor of their guests.
  10. Guest rooms will be booked on first come first served basis for a period of 5 days at a stretch.
  11. Advance booking upto three months, will be accepted. Booking shall automatically be cancelled if the member/ guest fail to occupy the guest room by 0600 hours on the next day without intimation. In case of late occupation, rent for the preceding night will be charged in full.
  12. Guest room shall not be booked by children/ spouse of members. However, they will be allowed to stay if booking is personally made by the Member.
  13. Check In time is 02:00 PM and Check Out time is 12:00 (Noon). In case of late Checkout (subject to availability) half-day rent will be charged.
  14. No Member or his guest shall sublet or accommodate any unauthorized person in room allotted to him.
  15. Visitors are not allowed to stay in the rooms after 11:30 pm.
  16. Club Administration has the right to inspect and check any room at any time.
  17. Children below the age of 18 years will not be allowed to stay in a guest room if not accompanied by parents.
  18. Members are not permitted to shift any article of furniture, fixture or other Club property from one room to another without the permission of the Manager Guest Rooms.
  19. Occupant shall be liable to pay for any damages and breakages incurred during the period of occupation.
  20. Two adults and a maximum of four kids (under 12 years of age) can stay in one room.
  21. Extra mattress will be provided, if required, for which extra charges will be made.
  22. Following is strictly forbidden in the Guest Rooms premises:-
  23. Ironing (pressing of clothes).
  24. Gambling in any form.
  25. Drinking liquor.
  26. Arms & ammunitions.
  27. Assembly of Baraat.
  28. Entry of unauthorized/ Unregistered Guests.
  29. Sleeping of drivers/ gunmen.
  30. Member(s)/ Guest(s) can be asked to vacate the Guest Room(s) without assigning any reason, if the occupation is considered detrimental to the decorum, rules & bye-laws of the Club.
  31. Cancellation of booking must be given 24 hours in advance in writing, otherwise full room charges will have to be paid for the days the room(s) are booked.
  32. Occupant of the Guest Room(s) shall pay all dues (on line transaction /cash) before vacating the room(s).
  33. Provision/ submission of incorrect information and violation of Rules/ Standing Operating Procedure will attract disciplinary action by the Club Management.



  1. Members will park their vehicles in designated parking area. No vehicle will be allowed on driveways and areas marked as no parking.
  2. All Members will ensure that their vehicles are properly locked and no valuables are left in the vehicle.



Timings & book borrowing procedure for the Library shall be notified by the Management Committee and displayed on Notice Board. Library code of conduct shall be followed by members while using the Library. Book borrowing procedure shall be strictly followed by the members.



Card room charges will be determined by the Management Committee from time to time. Members may invite their guests, subject to Club Rules. Children irrespective of their age are not allowed in the Card Room.



  1. Swimming Pool timings shall be notified by the Club Management according to the season and displayed on the Notice Board.
  2. Members are required to show their membership card on arrival at reception.
  3. Proper swimming trunks will be worn by swimmers. Wearing of cutout jeans, shorts, T-shirt or vest is not permitted.
  4. Taking shower before and after swimming is mandatory. Use of lotion and sun screens before swimming is not allowed. Use of electric gadgets is strictly prohibited in the pool area. No food, drinks or other refreshment will be taken or served inside the swimming pool.
  5. Members suffering from any skin disease are not allowed in the Swimming Pool.
  6. No musical instrument / radios will be allowed to be played in the pool area.
  7. Car tubes and other such aids may not be introduced into the pool.
  8. No ducking, horse-play or rough behaviour will be permitted within the pool area. Moreover, no games or activity that disturbs the peace of others, will be allowed within the pool area or in the dressing rooms.
  9. Parents must accompany non-swimmer children. Children having breathing or any allergies must not enter the pool.
  10. Members / Guests are not allowed to bring valuable / cash etc in swimming pool / lockers area. In case of loss the Club Management shall not be responsible.
  11. Swimming Pool will be closed for cleaning and maintenance as and when required for 2-3 days. Prior intimation shall be displayed on notice board.
  12. Members can introduce up to 4 guests in the swimming pool at one time. Member’s guests can only avail the facility on daily basis on payment.



  1. Gymnasium timings will be notified by the Club Management and displayed on Notice Board.
  2. Members are required to wear appropriate dress (T-shirts, shorts or track suit lower, proper footwear, Joggers). Members are not allowed to wear open sandals or walk barefooted in the gym.
  3. Children below the age of 16 years are not allowed in the gym.
  4. Members are required to show their membership card on arrival at gym reception.
  5. Club will not be responsible for anything left/ forgotten in the gym.
  6. Members using gym for the first time or not familiar to any gym equipment must consult one of the trainers employed by the club before starting/using.
  7. Smoking is not allowed in the gym.
  8. Use of mobile is not allowed in the gym area. However, mobile phones may be used in the lobby or reception area.
  9. Members cannot bring any exercise equipment in the gym.
  10. Members should refrain from talking loudly or indoor noisy activity that may annoy or distract other members.
  11. No member should conduct his/her own training/coaching class.
  12. Food or beverage is not allowed inside the gym.
  13. Members can introduce up to 4 Guests in the gym at one time. Members guests can only avail the facility on daily basis and payment.
  14. Members should avoid creating any hindrance for others using the gym. The following precautions should be taken:-
  15. Do not drop weight on floor.
  16. If someone is using mirror during training, do not block his/her view.
  17. Do not hang or place clothes, towels on any machine.
  18. Do not litter the floor.
  19. Do not block a machine by sitting on it after you have completed your exercise.
  20. Do not occupy a machine without using it.
  21. Maximum time for use of treadmill as defined by the management should not exceed
  22. After use of a machine the seat and handles should be wiped off by the user.
  23. Towels may be placed by the user to cover floor mats whenever mats are used for exercise.




  1. The Club shall not be responsible for any death or personal injury to any member arising in any way out of his/her membership of the Club or through his/her use or enjoyment of the Club amenities, privileges or other facilities what so ever.
  2. The Club shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to any article or property what so ever brought upon the Club premises by a member or entrusted to any employee of the Club.
  3. Member shall not take away or be permitted to take away from the Club any property belonging to the Club for any reason what so ever, or shall cause damage to or destroy any property of the Club.


  1. Any visitor wishing to see a member should contact the reception desk for guidance.
  2. Member shall have the privilege of entertaining guests at breakfast, lunch, dinner etc, subject to the Rules and Bye-Laws as amended from time to time by the Management Committee. The member shall be responsible for the payment of all the entertainment expenses and shall also be responsible for observance of Club Rules by their guests.
  3. No member shall allow any guest (being a non-member) to use of the Club facilities in his absence or sign credit slips on his behalf.


  1.  Monthly billing shall comprise following:
  2. Monthly Club Subscription (Lumsum).
  3. Sports Subscription.
  4. Library Charges.
  5. Charges for consumption of food, beverages and use of other Club amenities.
  6. Any other pending bill.  
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